Behind the Scenes
Slushie Sisters!
“My birthday dress!”
“Hmmm… probably not.”
“This won’t hurt, Ellie!”
Eat, don’t rehearse!
Costume Meeting
Why are they laughing?
Quick: Who’s Missing?
Something Pool
“You’re At A Party…”
“Can I PLEASE kiss John?”
Snack time!
This scene NOT in the show.
Cast Vitamins
Lauren waiting
Ellie’s Cake
Warning June!
You just gotta’ love Lauren Bowers.
“Just how good, handsome?”
“I think they’ll live.”
The Chase Scene
One For My Baby
Clara, Ellie & Lauren
Chris at Clara’s
The Dance Team
The Martins Teaching Dance
“We Belong Together”
“The 1st Thing You Know”
Ellie, Lauren & Anne
The Girls
Kelly & Lauren
Character Exploration
Ellie Shows Her Strength
Kickboxing Scene (Deleted from the show)
This took FOREVER!